5th December 2024
A busy month this December with us learning a whole bunch of new material as a nice repertoire refresh. A very large batch of songs we will be excited to play for you at our shows. Much individual band member homework in preparation for some band rehearsals leading up to gigs at Club Cronulla on Saturday 28th December and then NYE at North Ryde RSL.
Whether or not we see you before hand, we hope you have a wonderful Christmas. See you soon.
8th September 2024
Once again it's been yonks since we last updated you here on our News page. A bit has happened since August 2023.
Done plenty of gigs as you can see listed on the Shows page here.
Unusually for us, we've had another change of drummer! We'd like to announce that the esteemed Stu Ellis is now sitting atop the drum throne with us, bringing his years of drumming experience and talent to our sound. A great addition is Stu.
We've played our St Marys Rugby League Club debut last night and went down a storm. Lots of dancing and applause from a good crowd who were right into it from start to finish. Plently of well wishers on the night.
The agent who booked us told us today of lots of positive feed back personally to him from punters and also directly from the club itself, so a number of return bookings are now in place with them for the first half of 2025. Definitely a fave venue.
14th August 2023
It's been quite a while since the last update here and a lot has happened in the interim. Lots of gigs (see SHOWS page). Today we take great pleasure in announcing the arrival of the very skilled Tommy Ivanovski on drums. We're certainly looking forward to many an enjoyable show with Tommy.
16th August 2022We'd like to take this opportunity to announce that the great Joe Zaccheo (ex-Gyrate) has joined our ranks as our new drummer. Joe is a versatile drummer and entertainer and is a welcome addition.
16th August 2022
As we all know, the last 2 and half years have been a battle for everyone, inlcuding in the entertainment industry with the Covid-19 pandemic....hence the News gap. We had many shows cancelled during the initial Covid waves. In the last few months we've done a few shows though. Great fun. The bookings are slowly picking up again, (details at
15th December 2020
As we're all aware, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the last 10 months have been a struggle for bands as venues have had to stop live entertainment and restrict numbers of patrons. Like bands all over the place, we had all of our bookings cancelled for shows after 14th March - for the next 10 months.
Fortunately now though, with basically no community transmission happening around Australia, venues in NSW are being allowed to put on live entertainment again and in certain environments, have people up on dance floors. Looks like live entertainment is on the way back.
We were really pleased to have recently been contacted by North Ryde RSL Club to offer us a NYE 2020 booking and this was followed shortly thereafter by Kiama Bowling Club contacting us to offer us 12th December. Having now played a very successful Kiama Bowlo show....our first gig in 10 months, they have now booked us for 15th May and 16 October in 2021. Next cab off the rank....NYE at North Ryde RSL Club.
Here's to an improving gigging environment in 2021.
27th January 2020Quite recently we've undergone a line-up change which is proving quite a positive one. We have welcomed aboard Alisdair Belling on drums and Glenn Leishman on lead guitar/vox. 2 great guys and musicians who complement our sound beautifully. So far in 2020, we've played 2 shows with Alasdair and Glenn....Berkeley Sports Club and the Family Hotel in Bathurst. Short Youtube videos from the latter are now here on our Videos page.
19th October 2019
The BEDAZZLED IN PINK function on Saturday night (19th Oct) went very well indeed. Extremely well attended by kind folk who generously participated in all fund raising activities by way of entry tickets, raffles etc etc etc. Great prizes were won on the night. As for ATOMIC ROCK, we had a blast entertaining an enthusiastic crowd.
18th October 2019
Our lead guitarist from February 2017, Leigh, played his final show with us at Kiama Golf Club tonight. Leigh brought high quality as a guitarist to the table during his time with Atomic Rock and whilst its sad to see him leave, its completely understandable as he now pursues musical ventures a little closer to home.
ATOMIC ROCK are delighted to have been invited to participate in this BEDAZZLED IN PINK event on Saturday 19th October 2019....a most worthy cause aimed at raising funds that will go to the McGrath Foundation for them to use in their great work in the area of supporting breast cancer research and employing as many Care Nurses as possible. We join with this event's organisers in encouraging everyone to come along for an evening of fun and to rock out with us. In addition to our normal rocking set, we will be performing a special "ATOMIC 70s Show" set. All the more reason to wear your dancing shoes.
You are urged to grab a ticket, dig deep and contribute what you can.
ATOMIC ROCK will be donating our fee to the McGrath Foundation.
13th December 2018As can be seen on our SHOWS page, we've played a great many shows in 2018. Lots of lovely testimonial comment can be seen on our TESTIMONIALS page. It's been a very busy and productive year for us and now we are on a short break for Christmas/New Year. Looking forward to kicking-off again in 2019. We wish our dear friends and followers a wonderful Chrissie and New Year.
24th June 2018Our recent shows at Manly Leagues Club (2nd June), South Hurstville RSL (9th June), Captain Cook Hotel (22nd June), Raby Tavern (23rd June) all went very well. Great receptions...lots of applause and dancing and loud calls demanding encores. Fantastic.
27th May 2018Brilliantly received show at the slightly off the beaten track Tahmoor Inn last night. Tons of folk dancing. 2 encores.
12th April 2018Confirmed for Manly Leagues Club for Saturday 2nd June. Fantastic. (details at
18th March 2018What a great show last night at North Ryde RSL! What a great reception! They loved us. Looking forward to our next show at this venue on 5th May.
12th March 2018Confirmed for North Ryde RSL this coming Saturday 17th March (details at
10th March 2018Last night's show at The Intersection Tavern, Ramsgate went down very well indeed.
5th March 2018Confirmed today for Dundas Sport & Recreation Club for 20th April (details at
1st March 2018Our 19th May Ettalong Diggers show has been moved to 28th April and we're now playing Kingswood Sports Club on 19th May. (details at
22nd February 2018Confirmed booking came through today for a return show at South Hurstville RSL on 9th June 2018. (details at
18th February 2018Fantastic last night, our first show of 2018, at South Hurstville RSL Club. A good roll-up of appreciative folk who kindly gave us their keen applause and their dancing feet.
16th February 2018Confirmed for St Marys Band Club (The Bandy) for 14th July, 22nd September and 8th December. Our "dance card" is filling up steadily. (details at
15th February 2018Our 24th March show at Tahmoor Inn has been moved to 26th May. (details at
6th February 2018Today confirmed for The Intersection Hotel (Ramsgate) for Friday 9th March, Tahmoor Inn (Tahmoor) for Saturday 24th March & Ettalong Diggers (Ettalong) for Saturday 19th May (details at Our footprint is spreading. 7 new additional venues so far for 2018.
25th January 2018Confirmed for Unity Hall Hotel, Balmain...Friday 16h March 2018. (details at
18th January 2018Confirmed for North Ryde RSL...Saturday 5th May 2018. (details at
14th January 2018Confirmed for our first South Hurstville RSL appearance for the year...Saturday 17th Feb 2018. (details at
11th January 2018Confirmed for Captain Cook Hotel Botany appearance...Friday 15th June 2018. The footprint is growing (details at
4th January 2018Confirmation has come through of our first Wallacia Hotel show on Saturday 4th August 2018. Lovely to be expanding our footprint into Sydney's Western Suburbs. Going through a process now of filling our "dance card" with bookings for 2018. Venue managers/booking agents who read this are invited to contact us via our Facebook page ( or our email address ( to arrange bookings.
12th December 2017Fabulous show at South Hurstville RSL last night. Lots of followers, new and old and much enthusiastic dancing. A great energy about the night.
24th December 2017A very successfull Christmas Show at Raby Tavern last night. As usual, a very appreciative audience.
20th November 2017Our South Hurstville RSL show on 28th October went great. Looking forward to returning to this venue on 30th December 2017.
We followed up with a great show on 18th November in our debut at Club Grandviews Bowling Club in Peakhurst. Very nice to be offered return bookings as is gratifyingly the case whereever we play.
18th October 2017Having since the previous news update played multiple excellent shows, enthusiastically received at venues including Raby Tavern, The Bradbury Inn, South Hurstville RSL Club with more to come between now and the end of the year, we're also really looking forward to our return to South Hurstville RSL Club on 28th October and then our debut appearance at Grandviews Bowling Club in Peakhurst on 18th November. (details at
11th April 2017Word has come through of a South Hurstville RSL show on Saturday 26th August 2017. Very much looking forward to this. (details at
9th April 2017Last night's Raby Tavern went exceedingly well. Lots and lots of our dear friends, much enthusiastic applause and full dance floor. A splendid time was had by friends and band. Hanging for more of the same.
25 March 2017Last night we were offered support for KISSTERIA Show at South Hurstville RSL Club for the 25th. Went very well indeed. The club has expressed interest in booking us for our own show. Since Leigh has joined our ranks, we have played shows at Bradbury Inn (28th Jan), Raby Tavern (18th Feb), Kings Head Tavern (24th Feb). At every show, we continue to receive a wonderful reception. Our next show is at Raby Tavern on Saturday 8th April 2017. Looking forward to that. We'll have a few new songs ready to launch, currently under rehearsal. (details at
19 December 2016ANNOUNCING LEIGH UNGERWe seem to have landed on our feet following Mark's retirement in that we have now secured the services of the esteemed dynamic Leigh Unger on lead guitar. We're really looking forward rocking out on-stage with it's onwards and upwards from here starting with our Bradbury Inn show on 28th January 2017. (details at
18 December 2016Sadly Mark has decided to retire from live performing and so, has stepped down from Atomic Rock as our lead guitarist. Mark has been a stauch rock warrior and our cruchy Les Paul driven guitar weapon since our first show in August 2015. It has been our utmost pleasure and privilege to have worked with Mark over this last year or so and getting to know him and his lovely wife Robyn as friends.
18 December 2016Our Christmas Show at Raby Tavern last night went down a treat. Lots of huge balloons (thanks to Mark and his balloon inflating pump thingy). Much arial balloon action filling the room as we played.
12 December 2016Looking forward to our Christmas Show at Raby Tavern this Saturday 17th December. We've been working up some new material to add to the show.(details at
28 November 2016We've been offered 2 shows at Berry Hotel during November. Very much looking forward to that.(details at
11 October 2016Greatly looking forward to returning to our "home" where it all started for us....Raby Tavern this coming Saturday night 15th October.(details at
30 September 2016At Kings Head Tavern. A fun crowd. Lots of friends we have gathered along the way.
6 August 2016Our Campbelltown City Hotel show was interesting and fun. Huge in-house PA provided. Went over very well.
16 July 2016Private partyMuch fun was had. Much dancing and a lotta laughs.
3 July 2016Announcing our show at Campbelltown City Hotel on 6th August.(details at
30 June 2016Word has just come through of 3 more bookings at Raby Tavern. The dates are:15th October26th November17th December(details at
26 June 2016Best ever show and reception at Raby Tavern last night. Completely packed house, packed dance floor and unbelievable interaction between band and audience.
15 May 2016Last night at Raby Tavern went over really well. Putting on great shows feels so fabulous.
8 March 2016Confirmation has come through today of 2 new shows at Raby Tavern on Saturday 14th May and Saturday 25th June. We're eagerly looking forward to returning to the special thing we've been building at Raby Tavern. (details at
26 February 2016Confirmation of the private party booking for 16th April came through this morning and details are being sorted out. Gonna be a hoot.
21 February 2016Last night's show at Raby Tavern just completely went off. Packed room, lots of loud applause, singing along and a full dance floor. Definately got something special happening at Raby Tavern and a hard core following that follows us where ever we play. During the evening we were approached with the offer of a private party booking for 16th April.
13 January 2016Our next show will see us return to Raby Tavern on 20th Feb. Looking forward to rocking the house to the max again. (details at
1 January 2016Last night we played our NYE 2016 show at Kings Head Tavern in South Hurstville and went down a treat with a hard hitting fun show. It was fab to debut our version of the Beatles' Twist And Shout to much twisting and much shouting in appreciation. Lovely to catch up with old friends and make new ones. We can't wait for our next show which it is anticipated may be at Raby Tavern in the near future.
20 December 2015Last night we played a killer show at Raby Tavern. The place went off beautifully. Lots of lovely friends new and old came along and it was a joyous night of rocking out for them. It was such a pleasure. Looking forward to more. Our next show is on NEW YEAR'S EVE....31st December 2015 at KINGS HEAD TAVERN in South Hurstville. (details at
28 November 2015Last night's show at Kings Head Tavern went down really well. Enthusiastic applause and dancing. Nice to play our debut in the St George/Shire area.
4 November 2015Have just been offered a show for 27th October 2015 at Kings Head Tavern in South Hurstville.(details at
25 October 2015Last night's show at Raby Tavern was a blast. Much dancing with enthusiastic applause after every song and at night's end, loud calls for more. Very pleasing. A few new songs saw their debut on the night and worked nicely. More new songs to come.
6 October 2015Great session yesterday rehearsing a handful of new choonz to debut at our Raby Tavern show on 24th October. Some interesting surprises in store for one's listening/dancing pleasure.
1 October 2015Confirmation has just been received that Oakdale Workers Club have asked us to bring our show on Saturday 28th November. We'll be there with bells on. (details at
26 September 2015We got such an enthusiastic reception at our Oakdale Workers Club show last night. We're enjoying building our reputation as a great live band wherever we play. Next cab off the rank is Raby Tavern on Saturday 24th October. 8pm. Free entry. (details at September 2015Last nights show at which we performed as part of the the Dancing Nights event ( went down very well. Now very much looking forward to our next show at Oakdale Workers Club on 26th September. (details at We're currently rehearsing some new material to launch on the night.
6 September 2015What a blast at our show last night in our second appearance at Raby Tavern. Even better than our debut on 1st August. The night went off with again, lots of dancing and enthusiastic applause. We seem to be going down a treat at our shows.So now its on to our next show....Mosman RSL Dancing Nights event next Saturday night 12th September. (details at
4 September 2015Confirmation has come through of a show at the Oakdale Workers Club on the 26th September (details at So that's 3 shows in September. Good stuff.
21 August 2015Confirmaton has just come through of 3 upcoming dates at the Raby Tavern, so well did we go down at our 1st August show. We will be appearing there 5th September, 24th October and 19th December. Yee Haa!!! (details at
3rd August 2015GREAT SHOW last Saturday 1st August. First gig was at Raby Tavern. Excellent ethusiastic response and lots of dancing.
29th July 2015Word has been received today confirming our 2nd gig which will be at Mosman RSL on Saturday 12th September. Further details will be added when known. (details at
25th July 2015Our lead guitarist, Little Mark, has come down with a horrendous dose of respiratory infection, yet bravely got out of his sick bed to put in a stirling effort in this afternoon's final rehearsal for the upcoming 1st August show at the Raby Tavern. We are sounding AMAZING if we do say so ourselves and can't wait to kick butt. (details at
6th July 2015Word has come through today confirming this band's first gig. We will be debuting at Raby Tavern on Saturday 1st August...on stage at 8:00pm. Hangin' to rock out at what is this combo's first show. (details at
10th March 2015With the addition of powerhouse drummer, Jason McDonald to our ranks, we are sounding better than we ever have. Standby for news of gigs near you. I love being in this band. Such fun.Kev (bass)
27th May 2018Brilliantly received show at the slightly off the beaten track Tahmoor Inn last night. Tons of folk dancing. 2 encores.
12th April 2018Confirmed for Manly Leagues Club for Saturday 2nd June. Fantastic. (details at
18th March 2018What a great show last night at North Ryde RSL! What a great reception! They loved us. Looking forward to our next show at this venue on 5th May.
12th March 2018Confirmed for North Ryde RSL this coming Saturday 17th March (details at
10th March 2018Last night's show at The Intersection Tavern, Ramsgate went down very well indeed.
5th March 2018Confirmed today for Dundas Sport & Recreation Club for 20th April (details at
1st March 2018Our 19th May Ettalong Diggers show has been moved to 28th April and we're now playing Kingswood Sports Club on 19th May. (details at
22nd February 2018Confirmed booking came through today for a return show at South Hurstville RSL on 9th June 2018. (details at
18th February 2018Fantastic last night, our first show of 2018, at South Hurstville RSL Club. A good roll-up of appreciative folk who kindly gave us their keen applause and their dancing feet.
16th February 2018Confirmed for St Marys Band Club (The Bandy) for 14th July, 22nd September and 8th December. Our "dance card" is filling up steadily. (details at
15th February 2018Our 24th March show at Tahmoor Inn has been moved to 26th May. (details at
6th February 2018Today confirmed for The Intersection Hotel (Ramsgate) for Friday 9th March, Tahmoor Inn (Tahmoor) for Saturday 24th March & Ettalong Diggers (Ettalong) for Saturday 19th May (details at Our footprint is spreading. 7 new additional venues so far for 2018.
25th January 2018Confirmed for Unity Hall Hotel, Balmain...Friday 16h March 2018. (details at
18th January 2018Confirmed for North Ryde RSL...Saturday 5th May 2018. (details at
14th January 2018Confirmed for our first South Hurstville RSL appearance for the year...Saturday 17th Feb 2018. (details at
11th January 2018Confirmed for Captain Cook Hotel Botany appearance...Friday 15th June 2018. The footprint is growing (details at
4th January 2018Confirmation has come through of our first Wallacia Hotel show on Saturday 4th August 2018. Lovely to be expanding our footprint into Sydney's Western Suburbs. Going through a process now of filling our "dance card" with bookings for 2018. Venue managers/booking agents who read this are invited to contact us via our Facebook page ( or our email address ( to arrange bookings.
12th December 2017Fabulous show at South Hurstville RSL last night. Lots of followers, new and old and much enthusiastic dancing. A great energy about the night.
24th December 2017A very successfull Christmas Show at Raby Tavern last night. As usual, a very appreciative audience.
20th November 2017Our South Hurstville RSL show on 28th October went great. Looking forward to returning to this venue on 30th December 2017.
We followed up with a great show on 18th November in our debut at Club Grandviews Bowling Club in Peakhurst. Very nice to be offered return bookings as is gratifyingly the case whereever we play.
18th October 2017Having since the previous news update played multiple excellent shows, enthusiastically received at venues including Raby Tavern, The Bradbury Inn, South Hurstville RSL Club with more to come between now and the end of the year, we're also really looking forward to our return to South Hurstville RSL Club on 28th October and then our debut appearance at Grandviews Bowling Club in Peakhurst on 18th November. (details at
11th April 2017Word has come through of a South Hurstville RSL show on Saturday 26th August 2017. Very much looking forward to this. (details at
9th April 2017Last night's Raby Tavern went exceedingly well. Lots and lots of our dear friends, much enthusiastic applause and full dance floor. A splendid time was had by friends and band. Hanging for more of the same.
25 March 2017Last night we were offered support for KISSTERIA Show at South Hurstville RSL Club for the 25th. Went very well indeed. The club has expressed interest in booking us for our own show. Since Leigh has joined our ranks, we have played shows at Bradbury Inn (28th Jan), Raby Tavern (18th Feb), Kings Head Tavern (24th Feb). At every show, we continue to receive a wonderful reception. Our next show is at Raby Tavern on Saturday 8th April 2017. Looking forward to that. We'll have a few new songs ready to launch, currently under rehearsal. (details at
19 December 2016ANNOUNCING LEIGH UNGERWe seem to have landed on our feet following Mark's retirement in that we have now secured the services of the esteemed dynamic Leigh Unger on lead guitar. We're really looking forward rocking out on-stage with it's onwards and upwards from here starting with our Bradbury Inn show on 28th January 2017. (details at
18 December 2016Sadly Mark has decided to retire from live performing and so, has stepped down from Atomic Rock as our lead guitarist. Mark has been a stauch rock warrior and our cruchy Les Paul driven guitar weapon since our first show in August 2015. It has been our utmost pleasure and privilege to have worked with Mark over this last year or so and getting to know him and his lovely wife Robyn as friends.
18 December 2016Our Christmas Show at Raby Tavern last night went down a treat. Lots of huge balloons (thanks to Mark and his balloon inflating pump thingy). Much arial balloon action filling the room as we played.
12 December 2016Looking forward to our Christmas Show at Raby Tavern this Saturday 17th December. We've been working up some new material to add to the show.(details at
28 November 2016We've been offered 2 shows at Berry Hotel during November. Very much looking forward to that.(details at
11 October 2016Greatly looking forward to returning to our "home" where it all started for us....Raby Tavern this coming Saturday night 15th October.(details at
30 September 2016At Kings Head Tavern. A fun crowd. Lots of friends we have gathered along the way.
6 August 2016Our Campbelltown City Hotel show was interesting and fun. Huge in-house PA provided. Went over very well.
16 July 2016Private partyMuch fun was had. Much dancing and a lotta laughs.
3 July 2016Announcing our show at Campbelltown City Hotel on 6th August.(details at
30 June 2016Word has just come through of 3 more bookings at Raby Tavern. The dates are:15th October26th November17th December(details at
26 June 2016Best ever show and reception at Raby Tavern last night. Completely packed house, packed dance floor and unbelievable interaction between band and audience.
15 May 2016Last night at Raby Tavern went over really well. Putting on great shows feels so fabulous.
8 March 2016Confirmation has come through today of 2 new shows at Raby Tavern on Saturday 14th May and Saturday 25th June. We're eagerly looking forward to returning to the special thing we've been building at Raby Tavern. (details at
26 February 2016Confirmation of the private party booking for 16th April came through this morning and details are being sorted out. Gonna be a hoot.
21 February 2016Last night's show at Raby Tavern just completely went off. Packed room, lots of loud applause, singing along and a full dance floor. Definately got something special happening at Raby Tavern and a hard core following that follows us where ever we play. During the evening we were approached with the offer of a private party booking for 16th April.
13 January 2016Our next show will see us return to Raby Tavern on 20th Feb. Looking forward to rocking the house to the max again. (details at
1 January 2016Last night we played our NYE 2016 show at Kings Head Tavern in South Hurstville and went down a treat with a hard hitting fun show. It was fab to debut our version of the Beatles' Twist And Shout to much twisting and much shouting in appreciation. Lovely to catch up with old friends and make new ones. We can't wait for our next show which it is anticipated may be at Raby Tavern in the near future.
20 December 2015Last night we played a killer show at Raby Tavern. The place went off beautifully. Lots of lovely friends new and old came along and it was a joyous night of rocking out for them. It was such a pleasure. Looking forward to more. Our next show is on NEW YEAR'S EVE....31st December 2015 at KINGS HEAD TAVERN in South Hurstville. (details at
28 November 2015Last night's show at Kings Head Tavern went down really well. Enthusiastic applause and dancing. Nice to play our debut in the St George/Shire area.
4 November 2015Have just been offered a show for 27th October 2015 at Kings Head Tavern in South Hurstville.(details at
25 October 2015Last night's show at Raby Tavern was a blast. Much dancing with enthusiastic applause after every song and at night's end, loud calls for more. Very pleasing. A few new songs saw their debut on the night and worked nicely. More new songs to come.
6 October 2015Great session yesterday rehearsing a handful of new choonz to debut at our Raby Tavern show on 24th October. Some interesting surprises in store for one's listening/dancing pleasure.
1 October 2015Confirmation has just been received that Oakdale Workers Club have asked us to bring our show on Saturday 28th November. We'll be there with bells on. (details at
26 September 2015We got such an enthusiastic reception at our Oakdale Workers Club show last night. We're enjoying building our reputation as a great live band wherever we play. Next cab off the rank is Raby Tavern on Saturday 24th October. 8pm. Free entry. (details at September 2015Last nights show at which we performed as part of the the Dancing Nights event ( went down very well. Now very much looking forward to our next show at Oakdale Workers Club on 26th September. (details at We're currently rehearsing some new material to launch on the night.
6 September 2015What a blast at our show last night in our second appearance at Raby Tavern. Even better than our debut on 1st August. The night went off with again, lots of dancing and enthusiastic applause. We seem to be going down a treat at our shows.So now its on to our next show....Mosman RSL Dancing Nights event next Saturday night 12th September. (details at
4 September 2015Confirmation has come through of a show at the Oakdale Workers Club on the 26th September (details at So that's 3 shows in September. Good stuff.
21 August 2015Confirmaton has just come through of 3 upcoming dates at the Raby Tavern, so well did we go down at our 1st August show. We will be appearing there 5th September, 24th October and 19th December. Yee Haa!!! (details at
3rd August 2015GREAT SHOW last Saturday 1st August. First gig was at Raby Tavern. Excellent ethusiastic response and lots of dancing.
29th July 2015Word has been received today confirming our 2nd gig which will be at Mosman RSL on Saturday 12th September. Further details will be added when known. (details at
25th July 2015Our lead guitarist, Little Mark, has come down with a horrendous dose of respiratory infection, yet bravely got out of his sick bed to put in a stirling effort in this afternoon's final rehearsal for the upcoming 1st August show at the Raby Tavern. We are sounding AMAZING if we do say so ourselves and can't wait to kick butt. (details at
6th July 2015Word has come through today confirming this band's first gig. We will be debuting at Raby Tavern on Saturday 1st August...on stage at 8:00pm. Hangin' to rock out at what is this combo's first show. (details at
10th March 2015With the addition of powerhouse drummer, Jason McDonald to our ranks, we are sounding better than we ever have. Standby for news of gigs near you. I love being in this band. Such fun.Kev (bass)